What do you mean it starts over?

Happy new year! Hope everyone had a nice Holiday season. Have to say, I enjoyed every minute. Got to finish up the break skiing and snowboarding with the kids up at Snowbowl last week. What a blast to be out on the slopes with the little turkeys.

With the kids returning to school this week, I too returned to my regular work schedule. For years now, a couple mornings week I like to head over to McDonald’s and get my work day started. Guess I’m a creature of habit. For me though, it’s a good locale to get the day going; starting with my notebook, checking emails, making lists and having some breakfast. Always a hash brown, side sausage, and coffee. (I tell my kids, “Don’t over-eat at McDonald’s!”)

On this particular day, while I’m sitting there working, these two old cowboys are discussing their physical ailments, kinda loud, hard not to hear. Next thing I know, they stand up and one starts a chiropractic session on the other in the middle of the restaurant. For like 15 minutes!?! Thought it was funny. Only in Cave Creek eh? Somewhere ol’ Ray Crock is smiling. https://the032.me/2017/08/14/the-founder/

Part of my morning ritual with the notebook, whether at McDonald’s or not, is also to attempt to maintain a personal/professional compass. A year ago my I began to read Proverbs daily. For those that don’t know, Proverbs is in the Bible and there are 31 chapters that contain 20 – 35 wise sayings. The 31 chapters set up nicely for each day of the month, repeat each month. I thought it sounded like a good idea, so on January 10, 2019, I began writing down 2 – 4 verses that stood out in each days reading. I continued with this process 4 -6 times a week throughout the year.

Generally speaking, we like to stay pretty light here at the 032, but I thought this was worth sharing. And while I understand Proverbs might not be for everyone, I’ll go out on a limb and say, “Acknowledging wisdom should be.” For me, at this point in my life; 46, 3 kids, lots o responsibilities, it was the perfect daily mental exercise. Think it changed my life. Nuf’ said.

Along the lines of staying light… There is a big game this weekend. My favorite Purple warriors from the north are traveling to San Francisco to do battle with the Gold miners on Saturday. (Seems a gold miner would have very little chance at defeating a Viking eh.)

Really, having been deeply disappointed so many times by this franchise, I’m just happy to have gotten a win over the Saints last week. That said, I like my squad. 8 members of our “very good” defense have played together for the last 5 years. Kind of unheard of in the NFL these days. But it makes it fun to root for the players when they’ve been with the team for so long. Here’s hoping they get some breaks tomorrow and stay alive one more week.



You shouldn’t believe in the Vikings, but it’s better if you do – New York Daily News

The following is written by “Just another kid from Minnesota.”

You shouldn’t believe in the Vikings, but it’s better if you do – New York Daily News
— Read on www.google.com/amp/s/www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/ny-vikings-saints-kirk-cousins-believe-fatalism-20200106-52xl7emm4vaedfujcjdg2mru4q-story.html?outputType=amp

Couldn’t have said it better myself!

Happy Solstice!

Always good to get on the back-side of the solstice here in the desert. At least we can count on shorter days coming even though the heat has just begun.

That said, this tends to be the time of year we find out our a/c unit needs repair. Of course, I’ve got a guy. Check out my interview with Joe Lok of JSA Refrigeration. He’s a total pro!

Joe Lok JSA – Refrigeration 480.626.3882

Check out my past Solstice posts below and enjoy your 4th!

https://the032.me/2018/06/28/time-to-get-outta-dodge/ https://the032.me/2017/07/06/you-want-new/ https://the032.me/2016/06/09/summertime/